[Game in development. Play this demo and help me by reviewing it!]

Arabasta's life dives into pure darkness the day Caos took possession of the Kingdom of Baghta.

All on her own, she undertakes a journey to find the lost Great Fires and light the Sacred Trees. Join our main character to defeat Caos and save what's left of her memories.

LIGHT THE WORLD was born for a school project, is the hard work of a single person (with a lot of encouragement and help from the people around her).

Keys: comon movement keys + "R" to fight.

(Gameplay is outdated. Camera problem fixed)


[Juego en desarrollo. ¡Jugá la demo y decime que te parece!]

La vida de Arabasta se sumergió en la oscuridad plena el día que Caos se apoderó del reino de Baghta.

Completamente sola, emprende un viaje para recuperar los Grandes Fuegos perdidos y encender los Árboles Sagrados. Viaja junto a nuestra protagonista para derrotar a Caos y salvar lo que queda de sus recuerdos.

LIGHT THE WORLD nació como un proyecto final de una materia de la facultad, es el trabajo de una sola persona (con un montón de ánimos y ayuda de las personas que la rodean).

Teclas para jugar: teclas básicas + "R" para pelear.

(El gameplay es viejo, el problema con la cámara ya está arreglado.)


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Camera should center on player with some deviation to wards the direction of travel. (currently impossible to see enemies coming from the left, and this blindness is even worse while moving left)


Thank you! There's a lot to work on and improve but this helps!